jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Family Reunion - Blured Tree

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A family reunion occasion that I remember was in the funeral of my Uncle Ramon. All of my family was sad & crying and me and my cousins were really bored cause we didn't actually knew this uncle.. he was not a close uncle that's why! Well I remember all of my family members being there and they were all in black and my uncle was in the coffin and they were all praying and crying and I was sleeeepy, very sleeeepy so I just went home to get some sleep. The funeral was 0k and there was lots of food and cake and coffee and really good stuff. This reunion occasion was the first one that got into my mind when I knew we had to do this bloG post.. it's 11:21pm riGht now and im posting my bloG right now so that means it's NOT LATE because is before midnight and I already have a 0 in powerschool but I really shouldn't have it cause it is on timeeee.. I just couldn't finish it in school cause I had some trouble with my tree soooooo.. here's my bloGpost about my family reunion and here's my BLUred Family Tree attached =) This is all im writing I hope Mr. Picketts gives me a 10 cause my blured tree is pretty cooL & I spent HOURS with this photoshop thinG God!

0kay well,
GoodniGht peopLe!



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